Triumph at Yale - Celebrating the Sucess of Our Scholars

In a showcase of academic excellence, Meredith Williams, Senali Vasanthathilake, and Mitzi Robertson, Year 10 QMC students (Year 9 during the time of the competition) wowed our community with their performances at the World Scholar's Cup Tournament of Champions held at Yale University.

Their journey to the United States started by competing in New Zealand where they qualified for the next round on the Gold Coast. It was here where they showcased their determination, repeating their success on a bigger scale and securing their spot in the prestigious finals at Yale.

Among the achievements on their journey to Yale, they secured an impressive 6th place in the category, out of 311 teams. Senali earned gold in Creative Writing and Science, Meredith received silver in Creative Writing and emerged as the overall champion scholar with a gold, and Mitzi impressed with a silver in History, all contributing to the team's collective success. On top of this, in the Scholar's Challenge, Meredith came 4th place out of 999 students, further solidifying her position as one of the top scholars globally. With six gold medals to her name, Meredith's individual achievements speak volumes.

The accomplishments of Meredith, Senali, and Mitzi at the World Scholars Cup both nationally and internationally are a testament to the dedication of these gifted QMC students. Thank you to Amanda Peake and Beatrix Marrero for their support of the students and getting them across the world to compete at such a high level.